Monday, July 9, 2012

Vitamin D

Our week at Lake Powell was spent with old friends and new friends. My new friend Allie, is a nurse practitioner and she was teaching me about the benefits of vitamin D.

 Vitamin D helps build strong bones and a strong immune system.  The sun is anti-viral and anti-bacterial; that's why we are sick less often in the summertime.  The darker your skin, the longer you can soak up the vitamin D before you need to put on sunscreen.

I know I had heard some of this before, but had forgotten it in my frustration about the sun making us look old and give us skin cancer.

The message - spend at least 10 to 20 minutes in the sun each day before you put on your sunscreen.  Oh and one other thing to think about, here are two links about  the sun fighting other cancers, and being aware that you need to let the vitamin D soak into your skin before you wash.

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