Tuesday, December 18, 2012

What I have learned about babies

I have both my sister 'n law Jordan and my second cousin Daisy are expecting their first babies in February.  
I found myself wanting to share things that I have learned in the last nine years. 

1. Don't be afraid of generic diapers.  I have tried them all - Walmart, Target & my local grocery store.  They work fine and they will save you dollars each week on your grocery bill.

2. Always check their clothes before throwing into the washer machine.  Stain sticks and sprays usually can get everything out.  Be extra careful with bananas.  They will almost instantly stain your favorite baby outfit.

3. Do not use a baby monitor at night.  You will achieve deeper sleep and the baby will always be able to wake you when they really need you.

4. Smile at your baby when you are changing a poopy diaper.

5. Speak to your baby from the beginning like they understand, in your regular voice.

6. When your baby starts sleeping through the night, and then regresses, calm them down and offer them a bottle of water.  Explain to them its time to go back to sleep and that you are not coming back in.

7. Once your baby stops eating baby food, offer them exactly what the you are eating, obviously cut into to small pieces.  If you make your own baby food you can start this sooner.  Babies enjoy all kinds of food.  Turkey sandwiches, salad, curry, whatever you are eating.  This will not only encourage you to maintain a balanced diet, but prevent them from being a picky eater.

8. Always use the straps when you place your baby in a shopping cart or trolley. 
Never assume they will stay put.

I'll stop being a Mrs. Know It All now.  Congratulations and welcome to Motherhood! Your baby will bring you so much joy and love, and you will stretch and grow like never before.

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