Tuesday, May 15, 2012

To Really Know Someone

My Mom just introduced me to a new blog http://www.natthefatrat.com/   It's about Natalie, a young mother in New York City, and I think her history includes struggling with infertility.  But the reason I mention her is because I loved last week's post on Being Henry Holbrook's Mother.

"being henry holbrook's mother means knowing how to listen very intently when he has something on his mind he wishes to discuss, and not to let on that you have no idea what he's saying, because henry holbrook's mother knows how important it is that he feels "heard." being henry holbrook's mother means knowing exactly when to say, "oh really?' and exactly when to say "i completely understand." 

Natalie continues on in this format and fashion for awhile, and its quite impressive all the little ways she has learned to Henry's mother.  I think this model can be applied to sister, daughter, wife, friend....and used as a journal entry or as a meaningful message in a birthday card to a loved one.

1 comment:

  1. how funny, hel just told me about her blog yesterday and i've just spent an hour this morning reading.


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