Thursday, May 10, 2012

Wrapping Paper

Last night I hosted a Bridal Shower for one of my favorite babysitters.  While McKenna opened her presents, I sat next to two of my favorite ladies in my ward, Alice and Tricia.  Why do I love them so much?  I am attracted to older people with lots personality.  I feel hope for my future when they make me laugh and show me all the neat things I can do when I am past my prime.  That statement reminds me of a funny song from "Lil' Abner",  Daisy sings "I'm past my prime, and I'm losing time, seventeen last spring, still without a ring...."  Well here is a small list of weekly tasks for Alice and Tricia: tap dance, Zumba, quilting, ukulele, piano, Daughters of Utah Pioneers, travel, and more.

So, back to my story...Tricia, with a playful curious expression, whispered "I wonder if anyone gave her lingerie", while Alice sat on the footstool below her and preceded to create a paper hat decorated with all of McKenna's ribbons.

  Then Tricia was on to another thought, "You know when we got married, we saved all the wrapping paper."  "Oh, yes we did," Alice agreed. "we saved everything".  It reminded me of people in the past, even myself a few times, who had opened the present  so carefully in an effort to save the pretty paper.  But then what?  Alice and Tricia said they would use the paper as drawer liners.  Good idea.

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