Sunday, May 20, 2012

Likening the Scriptures

The lyrics in my last post reminded me of a talk I read last year.  I wonder why some things stay in your mind, but most things fade away.  Anyway, I really liked the lyrics saying I am blessed like Mary, and the future of the world inside of me...I take that to mean all the possibilities and posterity that can come to be through our choices.
The talk that has stayed in my mind is "Teaching the Doctrine of the Family" by Julie Beck.  Here is the segment that I love.

"The stories of Abraham and Sarah and of Isaac and Rebekah are found in Genesis. Abraham and Sarah had only one son, Isaac. If Abraham was to be the “father of many nations,” how important was Isaac’s wife, Rebekah? She was so important that he sent his servant hundreds of miles to find the right young woman—one who would keep her covenants, one who understood what it meant to form an eternal family.
In Genesis 24:60, Rebekah is blessed to be “the mother of thousands of millions.” Where do we find those kinds of blessings? They are received in the temple.
The story of Isaac and Rebekah is an example of the man, who has the keys, and the woman, who has the influence, working together to ensure the fulfillment of their blessings. Their story is pivotal. The blessings of the house of Israel depended on a man and a woman who understood their place in the plan and their responsibilities to form an eternal family, to bear children, and to teach them.
In our day we have the responsibility to send “Isaac” and “Rebekah” forth from our homes and classrooms. Every young man and young woman should understand his or her role in this great partnership—that they are each an “Isaac” or a “Rebekah.” Then they will know with clarity what they have to do."

I underlined "their story is pivotal" because our story is also pivotal for our future.

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