Friday, May 25, 2012

Norman Rockwell Inspiration

Though my personality is seen throughout my house with my chose of wall hangings and such, my little laundry room/sewing room is really all about me.  I have four bulletin boards hanging on the walls.

 Board #1 reminds me I am a daughter of God and a daughter of Ken & Sue Mortensen.
 Board #2 is filled with creative ideas I am in the middle of pursuing.
Board #3 contains my goals for my money and other responsibilities I need to remember.
Sarah suggested I needed one more board to inspire me of who I want to be, so
 Board #4 has four sections -Disciple of Christ, Wife of Daniel, Mother of Henry, Arthur, George, & Tedward, Artist of paint, fabric and music.

My bulletin boards make my happy with what I see, and I always need reminders of how I should be spending my time.

This year my local pharmacy gave out calendars with Norman Rockwell art and added meaningful sentiments to each painting.  There is no more room on my laundry walls, so I have hung these three pictures over the door frame.

Reflect on Daily Accomplishments

Pursue Your Passions and Dreams

Persist Until You Succeed 

1 comment:

  1. great post, love it all. i've never been in a laundry room i wanted to stay in more than a minute, yours is a treat to the eye!


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